My birthday party


Posted by mananaghazaryan | Posted in Անգլերեն | Posted on 22 февраля, 2022

Այս նախադասությունները գրիր անցյալով /այնուհետ դարձրու հարցական և ժխտական/

He gives him a present. He gave him a present. Did he give him a present? He didnt give him a present.

They play different games. They played different games. Did they play different games? They didnt play different games.

The children eat the cake. The children ate the cake. Did the children eat the cake? The children didnt eat the cake.

I have a good time. I had a good time. Did i have a good time?  I didnt have a good time.

We work hard. We worked hard. Did we work hard? We didnt work hard.

She says goodbye. She said goodbye. Did she say goodbye? She didnt say goodbye.

Պատասխանելով այս հարցերին գրիր փոքրիկ պատում «My birthday party» վերնագրով։

—Hi, what is yor name?

—Hi, my name is Sofi and what is your name?

—My name is Anahit, wher is your birthday?

—My birthday is 1 June.

—What presents yo usually get?

—I always get different presents.

—Do your friends come to your birthday?

—Yes my friends come to my birthday.

—Do you have a birthday cake?

—Yes, i have a birthday cake.

—Do you have a good time?

—Yes, i have a good time.

— okay goodbye.


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